Ultrasonic Cement Strength Analyzer, UCA

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Ultrasonic Cement AnalyzerModel: TG-4265IntroductionUltrasonic Cement Strength Analyzer(UCA) is designed to detect the development of the compressive strength of cement samples cured at a simulated temperature and pressure. Through measuring the changes in speed of ultrasonic wave signals that pass through cement samples during their hardening, the instrument can determine the compressive strength of cement. With the increase in the compressive strength of cement, the transmit time of the ...

  • پورٽ: هلائون گي، نگبو، Guangzhou
  • ادائگي جي شرطن: آيل / س، د / ج، د / p، ٽي / ٽي
  • پيداوار وڌيڪ تفصيل

    پيداوار ٽيگ

    Ultrasonic Cement Analyzer

    Model: TG-4265


    Ultrasonic Cement Strength Analyzer(UCA) is designed to detect the development of the compressive strength of cement samples cured at a simulated temperature and pressure. Through measuring the changes in speed of ultrasonic wave signals that pass through cement samples during their hardening, the instrument can determine the compressive strength of cement. With the increase in the compressive strength of cement, the transmit time of the ultrasonic wave signals that pass through cement samples will decrease gradually, thus we can work out the corresponding compressive strength of cement.


    Technical Features

    غير destructive طريقو مائٽ compressive زور determining.

    هڪ طرفي نموني مخصوص امتحان حالتون لاء ڊيٽا جون پوائينٽون جي ڪنهن به گهربل تعداد ۾ گڏ ڪرڻ لاء استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي.،

    گرمي پد جي قبضي لاء وڌوسون ڪنٽرولر.

    موجوده زور، سفر جو وقت ۽ هر سيل تي گرمي پد ماپون جي ڊسپلي.،

    امتحان جي نتيجن جي پي سي جي بنياد ڊيٽابيس لاء روزي جي حصول سافٽ ويئر.

    پريشر ڪنٽرول امدادي والو سان برقرار رکيو.

    تاريخ طاقت بندش دوران برقرار رکي.

    گرمي / سوچڻ جي جيڪٽ.



    Maximum curing temperature : 400F(204℃).

    Maximum curing pressure: 20000PSI(138MPa).

    Dimensions: 550x600x550mm

    Net weight: 56kg.

    One or two cell available.

     UCA TG-4265R

    Model: TG-4265

    Input voltages : 220V                   

    Compressive هوائي: 0.5-0.8MPa                  

    سوچڻ جو پاڻي: 0.2-0.6MPa

    آپريٽنگ گرمي پد: 0-50 ℃

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